Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Veronica Mars Season 3

Over at MSN, you can catch the first episode of the new season of Veronica Mars and you should, because it is the best. Now, for those of you who are already VM fans, no further urging is needed. But for those of you who haven't given the show a try, this is the best way to move from ignorance to bliss. Veronica Mars is at her best, snarky, perceptive, making enemies with the snap of her fingers. It's too bad that Michael Cera (of Arrested Development fame) couldn't reprise his role, but I'm hoping that when he's done shooting his movie, he'll make his television return. I had the idea of writing my own update of Nancy Drew a few years ago, right before I heard about the Veronica Mars premise. Six months later, it was on the air, but I had the grave misfortune of working nights, so I never had the chance to catch it. Now, my already crowded Tuesday night will be more so because Veronica Mars is my definite must see. Rob Thomas, the creator of the show, has a great gift as a writer and the actors help carry out his vision. I'm please with the introduction of new characters, with the changing storylines, with how the characters continue to grow. I even felt some empathy/sympathy for Dick Casablancas and it takes great writing to bring that out after he's been such a... dick... for two seasons. Anyhow, you don't have to love television to want to watch this show. Smart writing, deft acting and an excellent cast makes this show a must watch for even the casual viewer. If you only have one hour a week to watch television, make it Tuesdays at 9pm. Unless you don't have the CW, and then I feel sorry for you.

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