Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Eureka Me

Every Tuesday I've watched Eureka followed by Rescue Me. Yes, I have it programmed into Google Calendar. I get my 10 minute reminders. Hush, I love TV! Anyway, since Eureka's been broadcasting, I've watched the two in combination and I have to say, never has my schedule held such a different combo. My Monday combo is Kyle XY and The Closer. The Closer is the better show and I wished to GOD I liked Saved (some of the story situations are getting interesting) but I dislike the storyline of every main character. I hate how they're written, I hate how they're being played. This past Saved, I wanted to watch, I wanted to know why that guy blew up the building, but my innards wouldn't let me. I watched the news instead.

On topic. Eureka is kind of a sleepy show. There are plausibly exciting things going on, but the feel of the show never moves faster than a lanky stroll through town. The only time I believe the agent is when she's with her son. The only mystery that attracts me is what, exactly, the red-headed psychopsychiatrist is up to. I really like the guy who plays the sheriff. He is exactly how he should be in this town. Clueless, ready to laugh everything off, but not dumb. Just clueless. The guy who plays Henry is great too. I really like the absentminded savant way he plays the character. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lupo. If I could ever fall in love with a woman, it would be Dr. Temperance Brennan, but Lupo would be a very close second. Max Headroom, I hate. I will keep watching the show because what is interesting is very interesting, but riddle me this. Why does Zoe, Carter's daughter, get to go in and out of town at whim and where does her mother think she goes?

Rescue Me... what can I say about the show that hasn't already been said? It's a really great show. Dennis Leary does awkward really well, why does the captain keep letting himself get into these situations, I want to see Tommy beat the crap out of his brother again, etc. etc. I revel in the selfish grittiness of the series. I like how they are all for themselves yet for an instance in time (every fire), they are all for each other. And from what I can tell from the show, 9/11 is never going to be over for New Yorkers. It will always be there. You will look up some days and not see the Towers, or when the new towers are up, you'll remember the old ones, you'll catch a whiff of air that reminds you of that day, hear the voice of someone in the crowd who shouldn't be there... All of that is in Rescue Me. Every dramatic, overwhelming, WTF moment of it is embedded in the way these actors play their characters. Most of all, I love the humour. When Tommy tried to get them to stop saying kittie, when Sean was sleepwalking, when Tommy thought the teacher had chlamydia and was scared to pee... too funny. I can only add to the accolades, not the stink. If you can get over the message that the cursing, racism, sex and such sends, how can you not get over the display of yet another transgression? But as my husband says, it's just a tv show, nothing happened to her, I saw her in something else and she was fine.

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